Don't Give Up

Last Update: December 07, 2010

 The path to higher goals in life may not be smooth and clear.
At times you may experience frustration or a tear.

 You may endure a setback, lose momentum, tumble down.
A former look of confidence may turn into a frown.

 With any goal that's worth achieving strength of heart will matter.
Nothing's ever handed out upon a silver platter.

 Such a challenge draws upon the very best of you.
Bringing into focus the objectives you pursue.

 And if you have to reconsider how you will proceed,
you'll have stores of new self-knowledge you can wisely heed.

 And you can say that setbacks may have made the going slow;
but they have also given you some valued time to grow.

Bruce B. Wilmer


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jatdebeaune Premium
Love it! Thank you. I wrote a blog yesterday that was on the same track. I took it out only because for some reason I couldn't write clearly enough about it. This is much better. We must all be feeling it.