Stupid Scammers, I Hate Them All!

Last Update: June 26, 2010

So I posted a for sale ad on Craigslist yesterday. A baby bouncer, today I received an email from someone interested. I thought cool. They said they hope I still have it.

I replied yes, I still have it and to let me know when they could pick it up so we could agree on a place to meet up at.

They responded:

"Thank you for getting back with me

I just want to make sure i am going to buy the same which i am looking for.
I can't afford another mistake as i did in the past.
Please check the video and confirm that it's the same u have.


If its the same one I will be there today to buy it



How come I didn't notice right there and then that something wasn't right?

So stupid me goes to watch the video and it says I need to first download some crap FLV Player, so stupid me starts to download it, then while it's almost 50% downloaded stupid me finally realizes, OH CRAP! and try to exit out but it wouldn't let me, so I just hit the power button to shut off my computer.

I then restarted it but the crap had already done it's job. I clicked on Firefox and instead of the usual firefox/google homepage, BING comes up, huh? This was the address:

I just went into Tools and Options and restored the default homepage but I wonder if this idiot is still somewhere on my computer, probably, I wish I had the money to have a computer geek come take a look.

I'm debating whether to send the person an email back telling them what I think about them, or saying "Yeah, it's the same bouncer" and see what they say back. What do you guys think? When I started typing this I was mad but now I'm more calm but still a bit mad. These people are retarded jerks that need to get a life




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NEA03 Premium
I agree Victoria. I bought on Craigslist before without a problem but now I'm not sure if I'll use the site again. Or I'll just be more careful next time on what I click on!
VictoriaNTC Premium
Would it help to run a system restore?
My experience is there are many, many good people online. It is those few that never learn. There is not a short cut to building a sustainable business. Sure there are awesome tools to help us, however we still need to be human. Victoria ;)
Toussaint Premium
i would not even wast your time writing them back. those scam spam systems are all auto responders, email scrapers, and mass auto emailers so the person will not even see or read your email.
reggiemax26 Premium
i had the same issue a few months ago. I posted a "wanted" ad for a freezer. I got a message, but it was for making money online. You know what I did (which probably didn't make a difference?). I actually wrote the people back and said that I know all about affiliate marketing. I actually told them if they would have written me back with a link to Lowes or Home depot, I would have probably bought something and they would have made a sale.

Like I said, what I said probably didn't make a difference, but it made me feel better.
Jamie Smith Premium
I don't use craigslist. I have had many friends scammed on there, I don't want anything to do with that website. So sorry to hear about this mess!