There starting to close, oh no

Last Update: July 20, 2010

MY EYES!  It's 1 am.and I'm still up, Analia is sound asleep so this is my time to work in peace without her wanting to climb up on the chair with me and bang on the keyboard. 

I just finished typing up my first free report, yea I'm gonna try to build a list. wow.

I figured out why one of my most recent articles wasnt getting any click-throughs. Man I feel so stupid, its cus I didn't even have a resource box!!! I remember when I wrote and sent in the article for a review I was super tired like I am now but how could I forget the resource box?! ha   I need a redbull. Does that stuff really work??

Well now I'm gonna go find info around here to turn this thing into a PDF, hope it's easy. By the way, how many hours of sleep do you guys feel good with? How can people survive with 5 hours of sleep? I envy those people. I need 8 or 9.


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maureenhannan Premium
Hi Irma! The other day, I wrote a long response to your blog asking for a bit of help. And then it vanished into the ether and never posted. I was so bummed. Anyway, I just want to tell you I applaud you for your perseverance. I know so well what it's like to try to balance being a mom and getting work/writing done from home. Once I read a really interesting article...think it was in Oprah's magazine. It was asking all of these really dynamic women in their 60's and 70's what they would now tell their younger self, given the chance to go back in time and offer advice. The thing they kept saying over and over again was, Ask for help during the toughest of the child-rearing years. Ask for help and DON'T get sucked into the perfectionism trap. I know help often costs money, but at the very least I hope you'll just be very good and forgiving of your errors and your physical fatigue. Because someday you'll look back and say, Wow, how did I ever do it? I'm not in much of a place to give advice about how to go about IM (being pretty new myself), but I'm really thinking that products might be an easier sell all the way around. For me, at least. You may be different. Feel free to follow along as I try to get 100 product sites up and running. :-) And take good care of yourself, Irma!!! ~ Maureen
Andrew_M Premium
Hello Neao, normally 5 hrs is good for me. In reference to turning your report into a pdf. Are you using Microsoft word ver 7 or so? If so I think there is an option to convert to pdf from the file menu. I am also attempting to begin building a list using the funnel for the im niche, here at WA. Let see how it goes. All the best to you list building efforts..