Make It In America

Last Update: June 28, 2012
Just a short blog post today.

My boss turned me on to a book by Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris called Make It In America. Personally I believe it is a must read for all citizens planning to vote in the upcoming election.

Here is the book on Amazon in paperback (no affiliate link):

The issues we face as a nation are varied and complex and at a personal level I agree with Andrew that a revived manufacturing sector is not only possible but necessary. I also agree with him that the current pool of politicians (on both sides of the aisle) are not taking the necessary steps to preserve our future economic prosperity.

Pick up a copy and share it - while there is still time to become educated on our economic challenges before the election.

I don't care how anyone votes and I don't want this to be a beat down on one party or another - I am writing this to share what I think is good information from arguably one of the best sources of information on the topic: a global CEO of a multinational American company.
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Good idea, I know which side I'm on. More private sector and less government. Let the private sector handle the economy and don't tell us how much Coke we can drink.