WA Clubs - Highly Recommended

Last Update: February 21, 2011

Hi All-

I have recently completed the article marketing club 30-day program. It was excellent. I learned a great deal about all the elements of a good article marketing campaign. I strongly urge those who have not gone through the program to sign up for the next one.

I have a lot of work to do to apply all that I learned to the existing campaigns I am already running, but I have been truly ecstatic with the results I have achieved so far. I feel like I'm moving the ball forward again in a meaningful way.

Thanks to Marcus, my fellow club members, and the developers of the WA Article Marketing Club program. It was EXCELLENT! 

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joefrias Premium
Thank you for sharing your insight o the marketing club.
My time is so limited, but who's isn't?

I will make time for that training session!
jatdebeaune Premium
I'm having to play catch up. Had some personal and professional interruptions. I'm loving the club and all the guidance from Marcus. Hope I can still ask questions as the need arises. I'm using it as a guide for ongoing work.
Jamie Smith Premium
I agree 100%, really enjoyed the WA Article Marketing Club!