Writing an eBook is Important!

Last Update: May 31, 2011

Writing an eBook is important for new internet marketers.


Because it forces the Noob to seriously research and understand a topic. Writing an eBook involves developing a coherent, in depth message. It involves researching the problems associated with a topic or niche, and finding solutions for those problems. It many times involves literally walking in the shoes of future customers...

...and in case you hadn't figured it out, that is the key to selling anything.

Here are some free marketing eBook downloads I wrote initially to help me get focused and learn the process.

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onefineham Premium
Unblocked a fairly wide range of IPs... most people should have access now.
onefineham Premium
Interesting... I do have some IP address ranges blocked, yours may be one of them.

You don't have permission to access /426/free-marketing-ebooks-download/ on this server.
Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS) Server at internet-marketing-mba.com Port 80