My First eBook

Last Update: November 19, 2010

It took me a long time to learn enough about any one topic to write an eBook but I can proudly say I managed to jump through all the hoops to finally get it done.

Although it probably isn't the most amazing piece of work ever put out by a Wealthy Affiliate member, I have to believe folks here will find it both helpful and original.  A different look at ways to use Social Networking to market your sites, your products, your services, and yourself.

Please give The Social Networking Business Plan with Onefineham a look.



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onefineham Premium
I'm not sure but I think I had a comment get blown up.
A quick and dirty clickbank link would be: - where you would replace patch94 with your own clickbank id.
onefineham Premium
Thanks for the kind words all. The eBook can be promoted via the Clickbank affiliate program under the product name socialbiz7 with a 60% commission.
Sherion Premium
I liked it a lot. I know that this is something that I would need. The price is fantastic. I liked the content. I don't understand it all though because I am still a newbie in a lot of these areas. I probably do need this for future use. I added you to my buddy list. I hope you don't mind. I will be coming back to this soon hopefully before the price goes up but I also have to wait for finances to come in. Thanks for sharing.
magistudio Premium Plus
Nice work Barry - do you have an affiliate area?