One Year In Wealthy Affiliate

Last Update: January 24, 2010

Where to begin?  What is it that is worth saying about time spent as a Wealthy Affiliate?

When I started getting involved in wealthy affiliate I had had a website for a number of years - but I did a decent job of web programming the site but I never made any money with it - save maybe $1.00 from Google Adsense.  Basically I sucked at internet marketing.  Actually, now that I think about it - I wasn't doing internet marketing at all.

I had made a kewl website that was meant for event publicity and such but it just never got any traffic because I had no idea how to promote it or monetize it.

Today I make a modest income from several websites - enough to more than pay for Wealthy Affiliate and the other software subscriptions and e-books / training courses that have brought me a long long way from the beginning (which was essentially zero).

If people care to know what techniques I use and which training tutorials I used, please feel free to read my free internet marketing blog. I've spent a good amount of time logging specific article marketing techniques and tools - so if you are interested in article marketing or are trying to take it to the next level then my internet marketing blog is for you.  I don't get much into PPC - that's really extremely well covered here at Wealthy Affiliate.

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