Taking the Aweber Plunge

Last Update: December 09, 2010

Reinvesting Earnings in Aweber

So last month I talked to you all about how I had my first $1000 month using those high paying affiliate programs.  I did so well with them using the basic low-budget article marketing methods I decided to re-invest my earnings into an annual aweber subscription that everyone raves about. 

Using the Blog and Funnel Canned Site as My Guinea Pig

Given I hadn't setup a Wealthy Affiliate blog and funnel site yet I figured I might as well take the opportunity to do so given I had an unused domain with related keywords in it.

Setup was a breeze using the PDFs in the training section for the WA Affiliate Program (setting up the Aweber account first is CRITICAL!).  I finished up the setup then hung in there for a couple more hours to tweak / refine the pre-made follow-up letters.

Leveraging the Aweber Account

Given I had gone ahead and bought the Aweber subscription I figured what the heck, start building lists on my other sites.  This of course meant writing a bunch more follow-up emails and creating forms and such but I figured "Why not max out the use of the resource?"

Speaking of Leverage: That Is What Aweber Is All About

So you've created a bunch of content to put up on the web, and you get sporadic traffic from your article postings and ads or whatever.  But what if you could take a simple product you've created (download piracy protection is a MUST), offer it for free in exchange for their opt-in to your email address list?  Now you've got another 3-10 swings at the fence depending on how many more follow up emails you've got setup.  So what's stopping you from swinging?

We'll see how things go and report back in a few weeks, but honestly I'm thrilled with my continuing progress.  I hope each of you are doing equally well.

Barry (a.k.a. onefineham)

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onefineham Premium
I'm getting my first subscribers... can't tell you how exciting that is!
onefineham Premium
If any of you DO grab the download piracy protection software DON'T SCREW WITH THE DEFAULT SETTINGS. That's all I'm sayin'! lol