Posts by Parkmouse4 11
December 10, 2010
Just checked to see where my squidoo lens was hanging out in the Google SERPs after making a few blog comments. I quickly scanned the middle of the page and it was nowhere to be found...when I realized that it was at #1!! Hell yes! First time MY page ranks #1 for my chosen keyword! Finally, these darn SEO efforts are bearing fruit! This keyword has 390 exact searches a month, so let's hope I bring in some sales from this :D  I had recently decided that I didn't like Squidoo and that I wasn
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November 05, 2010
I've made about 8 sales on a Squidoo lens of mine, off of e-bay. WOOP! My first $26 from 3 sales was (accidentally) donated to the Squidoo charity, but that's just good karma right? Now I have 5 extra sales and am excited to see how much that will make me!  Can't wait for my first WA sale :)  Oh yea, one more thing...WOOHOO!
October 28, 2010
Just wanted to give a heads up to everyone who is interested in creating and selling WordPress websites for a quick profit...check out, this guy is awesome and puts up 5 amazing free videos on all the steps you need to take to go through this...  it's a good way to make some quick cash since it only takes a couple hours (or less) to create a site and sell it.  Enjoy!
October 17, 2010
So happy I joined the Article Club, and sad it's almost over! I've got my first WordPress blog up and I'm super excited to get way more awesome articles and pages out there and start making my first consistent sales :) I'm still a ways from there though, really need to write more articles to get the traffic rolling in (I'm at 13 as of now, need to get to at least 50 before I can count on making consistent sales apparently!). And a new goal for myself is to get those 300 sales in 2011 and make it
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July 19, 2010
Right then so since a few things went awry with my first OWM campaign (mainly my lenses weren't ranking, I know I could get them to rank higher with a little work but I'd rather put this aside for now and come back to it a little later, I need a change for now).  I've decided to go simple and work on product pages. They seem easy enough, and the subject is constantly changing, so I won't get bored. I plan on making these until I make my first sale, and really understand what it takes to hav
July 14, 2010
Another roadblock. Well, not really. I'm just not sure which direction to take from here. I've got 5 lenses on squidoo, all linking to one product on clickbank, and 5 articles on ezine. I've done some work on one of the lenses to have it rank higher, and it's now at #19 (I wrote #8 on my previous post, but that's on and not Now I'm going to try to boost that ranking to page 1, and see if I get any organic traffic to my lens.  But I'm a little apprehensive about do
In one more day and a few more article postings, I've gone from #25 to....*drumroll*....#8! First page of Google! I am nailing these SEO techniques! Now to try to design the most efficient SEO technique possible so that I can do it for ALL my lenses without wasting an entire day on it...   PS. Woohoo!
Yes! Awesome! I've been doing some experimentation with off-page SEO with one of my lenses and am seeing some encouraging results! I've decided that I just want to figure out what really works with SEO so am doing some stuff each day and monitoring the lens ranking. Originally, my lens was in position #163 (ouch!), then went to #103, #93, and now #25! Alright, I'm doing something right! I so needed this encouragement because I was starting to feel a little's what I did:  -commen
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July 08, 2010
Was doing well DOING, creating my first campaign using OWM, but got stuck on SEO...PotPieGirl doesn't go into that much detail about what you should do to get your lens ranked, and it seems that Nick's lenses got ranked soo easily, which isn't the case for me! So now I'm getting stuck researching efficient methods to obtain backlinks. Hmm. Really trying to find another way than to bookmarking to a million websites and submitting articles to a million directories.   Can't wait to design
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Uh oh. It's happening. What they all said would happen. I'm reading reading reading and starting to formulate a plan in my head as to how I'm going to charge forward's much easier said than done. Thinking about doing it is so much easier than actually doing it...I always tell myself that the next day I will write ALL day, but I end up still doing yet more reading. I feel like I don't want to do anything until I'm 100% prepared for it. But I know that will never happen. And I'm going aga