The Trick is to Keep Breathing

Last Update: June 10, 2010

Uh oh. It's happening. What they all said would happen. I'm reading reading reading and starting to formulate a plan in my head as to how I'm going to charge forward's much easier said than done. Thinking about doing it is so much easier than actually doing it...I always tell myself that the next day I will write ALL day, but I end up still doing yet more reading. I feel like I don't want to do anything until I'm 100% prepared for it. But I know that will never happen. And I'm going against what PotPieGirl always says NOT to do. Just writing this blog...that's me avoiding the DOING part too, ha! 

 Sometimes I find myself overwhelmed, short of breath. I feel like I want to do it perfect the first time, and am apprehensive about throwing myself into a deep dark hole without first knowing what's down there and what I'm going to do once I'm down there. How's everyone else doing out there?? I'll bet you are reading this post because you are avoiding the DOING part just as much as I am....


Ok, I'm going to

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Doodlebug Premium
Forgive me, but I hope it's okay. I added you as a buddy. I think we have a lot in common. Permission to just DO. Yeah, I'm still reminding myself, now.
Doodlebug Premium
I know the feeling - everything you expressed - I have lived my life this way. Why are we so afraid? I think at some point, we just have to give ourselves permission to just DO what makes us happy. And enjoy the trip along the way. I will keep telling myself this happy mantra until it sticks. Best wishes to you!
Jamie Smith Premium
In my opinion, find a nice balance of research and action.
jatdebeaune Premium
You just described a classic feeling. It's addictive to keep reading and learning. The good news is once you start writing you get more comfortable and natural and then you really want to write the next article. Follow what PotPieGirl says. She'll put you on track.