Seeing Improvements in SEO!

Last Update: July 11, 2010

Yes! Awesome! I've been doing some experimentation with off-page SEO with one of my lenses and am seeing some encouraging results! I've decided that I just want to figure out what really works with SEO so am doing some stuff each day and monitoring the lens ranking. Originally, my lens was in position #163 (ouch!), then went to #103, #93, and now #25! Alright, I'm doing something right! I so needed this encouragement because I was starting to feel a little's what I did: 

-commented on about 16 blogs with a page rank of at least 3

-Social bookmarked to 8 sites

-Submitted articles to about 5 directories (without spinning)

-Wrote two blog posts with anchor text linking to my lens. 

This doesn't include what I did to spruce up my lenses on-page. I learned how to make "clickable" images with the title of the keyword, and included my keyword in all my titles and first sentences of modules. 

 Hopefully I'll be getting on that first page soon and seeing some organic traffic :)

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Barnabus Premium
Parkmouse, Congratulations on your continued climb through the Google ranks. Go on with the way you are going. Seems an effective way of getting things done so far. If your method is working well for you, don't fix it. ...Barnabus