Product Pages

Last Update: July 19, 2010

Right then so since a few things went awry with my first OWM campaign (mainly my lenses weren't ranking, I know I could get them to rank higher with a little work but I'd rather put this aside for now and come back to it a little later, I need a change for now).

 I've decided to go simple and work on product pages. They seem easy enough, and the subject is constantly changing, so I won't get bored. I plan on making these until I make my first sale, and really understand what it takes to have a successful product page (and what makes them flop).


- Make first sale

-Make one product page/day 

-Have 7 product pages that are selling consistently  (1 sale/week) for an average of 1 sale/day

-Test out Squidoo, Hubpages, and Weebly. Make a list of pros/cons of each through experimentation. In order to really rigorously test these three sites, I would like to take one product with great potential, make a page on all three sites (which will be similar but not exactly the same so that I don't have duplicate content). I will publish all three at the same time and do the exact same backlinking work to them. Then, I will monitor how long it takes the page to get indexed, how high it ranks, how much traffic the page receives and where it's coming from. Then we will all know once and for all which to use for the future. 

 -Keep an accurate record of stats for all pages, including keyword stats, sales, traffic + keep for my records + post to them to WA forum and blog

-Maintain blog for all the products (currently named Great Gifts for Girlfriends), get blog ranking for that keyword, and get traffic to that blog. 


That's it for now folks, this is some serious motivation! Writing out a goal list like this is exactly what I need to keep going, thanks for reading!

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