Lack of Focus

Last Update: June 22, 2010

I hate to admit this.

On TV yesterday they had some guy that wrote a was about how Twitter effects our concentration.

Sounded like BS to me.

But I listened...then changed my mind.

This author said that because we have trained ourselves to jump from one subject to another CONSTANTLY...that we have therefore trained ourselves to become UNFOCUSED.  

I thought...wrong....been doing that multi-task thing all my life.  I even speed read...learned that skill years ago.

 Then I noticed how many of us NEWBIES are having trouble getting it going.

And then it occurred to me that my concentration is lacking. 

I will be starting on one thing...then an email comes in with what appears to be a neat idea...and I jump over for a minute and take a look. focus is gone and if I get two or three more of those little interuptions...then I may get up and go into the kitchen and get some coffee and then getting back to my project and getting focused again is diffiicult and it becomes very easy to say.....maybe I'll jump to another keyword/niche and snoop around a little more....nothing getting done.

So that has to stop so I can move ahead.

I realized that many people seemed to have this exact same problem.

My new paste it note on the bottom of my computer screen say.....Don' t Do it anymore !

Today I pledge to stay focused and get an entire site done A-Z.

Then every day I will do an article and post it on ezine and do a twitter post with a link and then do a Yahoo Answer post with a link to a product.

That way by Christmas I'll have a focused completed plan rather than a mess.

This same author said that we should set aside an hour or so to jump around and read stuff and then focus or visa versa.  

I will do my piano lessons/practice the same way too.  I have been jumping back and forth from my computer desk to the piano bench all day every day.....that's over too.

Hope this helps at least one person out there in WA land. 

Here is a video on how to get started fast and easy on Squidoo....FREE too...

This guy is a WA member and posted it today.....he has a web site too that helps make it all very easy to understand...take a look.

If this is happening to you....please leave a comment to help support my decision to do this and follow this authors advice.  Thanks  Phil




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wildflower40 Premium
I have the same issues with focusing! I start then get distracted by family and sometimes friends. I too am working on this issue. This same subject was touched in the WA blog recently on how to plan your day!
jatdebeaune Premium
Oh yes Phil. And add to that, well meaning beloved family asking you when you're going to quit for the night. I have the kind of personality that doesn't want to quit, and that question usually happens at the time I'm on a roll. It's just a combination of discipline and getting tough about interruptions.
DABK Premium
Focus is why I'm not emperor of Eurasia.

I was doing it to, here. I'm still doing it, but less. I've written myself a list of task. Have to finish one before I move on to the next. I mostly respect my list.

The days when I respect it completely, I accomplish the most.

I work from home, and now that is summer, my daughters are home all day, and my concentration suffers.

Dan Kennedy has a great book on time management.

Hey, stop. Don't check it out though it's a great book. I'm just distracting you.
DABK Premium
Focus is why I'm not emperor of Eurasia.

I was doing it to, here. I'm still doing it, but less. I've written myself a list of task. Have to finish one before I move on to the next. I mostly respect my list.

The days when I respect it completely, I accomplish the most.

I work from home, and now that is summer, my daughters are home all day, and my concentration suffers.
kclark Premium
Hello Breez, and thanks for sharing because this is me all day long too. My problem is I don't know where to start at to get going let alone stay focused. But your right, I need to learn how to focus. Thanks