Posts by PopTart8 5
February 24, 2012
  Hi, I know your tempted to try and run but let's just get in the car and go have some fun.First we want to be sure we have our traveling checklist because if your an article writing newbie and your thinking of going to Article Submission without a map your 100% mistaken.It's unlikely even though your a newbie you will want to use exactly the same article content as those before you, although some are perfectly comfortable committing such crimes. Others can take just one keyword and brains
December 27, 2011
  Many novice bloggers are becoming aware that you can make some major money from being an affiliate. There are some people that make up to $1,000 a month by simply being an affiliate. It is actually possible to make money from blogging in your spare time. There are even professional bloggers that make an entire living from blogging everyday simply by being an affiliate!. Going from Rags to Riches.Nothing beats working from the comfort of your home and getting paid to do it. It is one
December 27, 2011
  When you become an affiliate you become like Wealthy Affiliate's little helpers instead of Santa's. Spreading Website joy all over whatever website land you choose to promote.If you'd like a more technical explanation then: An affiliate is someone who promotes a product or service to potential customers, in exchange for a commission on the sale when one occurs. Marcus,Jay and Kyle from Wealthy Affiliate That's Marcus  on the left with Jay and Kyle from Wealthy
December 23, 2011
  Have you ever felt like you suddenly woke up from a life long deep sleep and asked yourself these questions: How come I have not accomplished way more than this? Why are all my peers two decades ahead success wise and it looks like I haven't even tried? If you haven't already spiraled into depression before you do ,know that you can fix this. I'm going to show you how to begin.But first.. Well I'm sorry to have to tell you this but your a "Time slacker" or your around someone
December 23, 2011
This is the song I'll be singing soon: