Mastering Your Focus

Last Update: December 26, 2011


Have you ever felt like you suddenly woke up from a life long deep sleep and asked yourself these questions:

How come I have not accomplished way more than this?

Why are all my peers two decades ahead success wise and it looks like I haven't even tried?
If you haven't already spiraled into depression before you do ,know that you can fix this.
I'm going to show you how to begin.But first..

Well I'm sorry to have to tell you this but your a "Time slacker" or your around someone who is.

Is this your favorite answer?-
Aaaw,I've Got Lots of TIME  
Not to worry though there are lots of resons for this, and their not all your fault.
I'll just speak on what I feel are the top 5.We'll go over those in a minute.After we'll talk about a solution.

Ever since man first noticed the regular movement of the Sun and the stars, we have wondered about the passage of time.Now we've moved on to the study of time management

What is the one thing you can spend, you don't have to acquire because you already have it but once you've spunt's already gone forever?



You probably do alot of things when you feeeel like it or you make plans but things constantly get in the way.

I've been with a friend to A.A.(not calling you an alcoholic) and the first thing they tell you is "The beginning of the road to recovery is to admit your, less than perfect, actions to yourself."

Most of the time when people are confronted with making large mistakes they go into denial .IT takes an extraordinary person to accept that the route they are on needs changing without something drastic occurring!
People say let the past be the past but your past decisions are what have you here in your present. If you   like your present circumstances or not they  are because of decisions YOU made.

Reason No.2-Distractions

There are many distractions in life
Your distractions depend on whatever you are trying to accomplish at the time.Studying, reading, driving,work distractions,etc.
For instance there are  men and women  I know that consider Social media a distraction but if you are trying to create a Facebook  page then Facebook or Twitter is not considered a distraction.
Conversation with your spouse usually isn't a distraction provided you care about them.However if you are trying to create a blog and they suddenly want to talk to you about their activities for that day that have nothing to do with what you are blogging about then guess what?
Just like in a relationship the very thing that drove you to Internet Marketing,I mean your loved one can cause  you to be annoyed. Working from home is no different except for the part about having more  discilpline.

Reason No.3-Slacking

Lack of energy is one of those reasons for slacking that may not be your fault.If you've been lethargic-deficient in alertness or activity, sleepy, slothful, or feeling slow all the time you may need a change of diet.
But I suggest you go to the doctor to know for sure.
I found out my mass weight was forty pounds over and I was eating the wrong foods for my blood type.
I still personally  take responsability though.
Hosea 4:6 says"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge,"
When a person ignores pain they are rejecting the knowledge or signal at best something's wrong.  They  have to set themselves  free by finding out what it is they need to do to set themselves  free.

Reason No.4-Procrastinating

Lack of energy also leads to procrastination.Although,delaying or  postponing anything that demands your immediate attention and your in perfect health to do it is just plain lazy and will come back to haunt you time wise.Your to-do list will only continue to build.

Reason No.5-Telephone/Television/Video Games

All three of these are huge "Time Slacker"creators.
Although there is a time for everything:
a time to kill-a time to die
a time to love-a time to hate
a time for peace-a time for war
There has to be a balance.If a person does not watch the amount of time  they spend on any one of the above they will have wasted an entire life.For now  we will show you how to stop wasting all the days that lead to lifetimes.

I've pointed out the many problems.Here's the solution.Click Here and Master YOUR Focus!


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