What Exactly Is An Affiliate?

Last Update: December 27, 2011


When you become an affiliate you become like Wealthy Affiliate's little helpers instead of Santa's. Spreading Website joy all over whatever website land you choose to promote.If you'd like a more technical explanation then: An affiliate is someone who promotes a product or service to potential customers, in exchange for a commission on the sale when one occurs.

The WA Boyz
Marcus,Jay and Kyle from Wealthy Affiliate
That's Marcus  on the left with Jay and Kyle from Wealthy Affiliate in Las Vegas.Marcus is the Super Affiliate Coach for the WA affiliate program.
If you are brand new to affiliate marketing and are concerned that the Super Affiliate program will be too difficult for you.Nothing beats a failure but a try.
They’ve structured the training resources in a way that make them easy to follow, so you shouldn’t have a problem following the instructions.
An Affiliate network is very beneficial to marketers because the network will handle all transactions, payment prosessing, refunds, technical support and allows merchants to expose their products in an organized manor. Affiliate networks like Clickbank.com, Commission Junction.com, or Linkshare.com are among the largest affiliate networks avaialble, however there are also others that shouldn't be overlooked when looking for products to sell.

How much Can I Earn and What Do I get Out Of It?

Wealthy Affiliate shows you in intimate detail exactly how to make theBig Bucks.They will give you a bag full of tools:
Good Cheer Wealthy Affiliate Tool Bag
What comes in Your official "Good Cheer Wealthy Affiliate Tool Bag?"
*Article Marketing
*Email Marketing
*The WA affiliate Program
Yes I said gold!..Two kinds
browsing the forum
WA gold
*Website Templates
*Keyword Research tool(free)
Your hand will never hit the bottom.Oh yeah,
*Support that's the most important thing of all when your spreading good cheer.
Just like Santa's list,their list of tools goes on and on!
What does it cost to be an affiliate?Not one red penny..It's free at Wealthy Affiliate.
Here's a tip:
From now on always look at the bottom of any website they will inform you if they are participating.


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