Day 11

Last Update: November 05, 2010

Where does the time go?  Today we learned about social bookmarking.  Time consuming, but I guess worth it for backlinks to your article.

I also made a new page on my site and submitted the same copy to two different article directories.  I plan to add to the page and have the second section also be its own freestanding article.

I haven't had much time to track page rank too closely, but I did notice one of my ezine articles made it to Google page 1 for the keyword I targeted.  I haven't really checked on all the others.  Since one ranked on page 1 I figure the "system" is working fine and I need to focus my efforts on putting out more content.

One of my articles got syndicated again--picked up by a different website.  My attribution was intact.  Some of my buddies' experience with people stealing articles has made me a bit paranoid.  But I'm very happy people are reprinting my articles.  Hopefully that will translate into sales.

I'm enjoying thinking of keywords and finding out they have low competition and decent search volume.  Picking good words seems to come naturally.  I'm often shocked that those keywords are even available.

OK, where did the time go and how did it get to be so late?


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Hang in there. Look at it this way: if it takes you two days to complete the tasks on each email, you still get an entire campaign up and running in two months. That's still astounding. Yesterday and today were very light days.
taku123 Premium
You are further along than me, I have been so busy with everything else in my life that I am only on day 6 with day 12's email arriving in my inbox this morning, Ugggh! Why is there not more time in the day? Glad to hear you are doing well, keep it up!