Day Five: First Article Submitted

Last Update: July 17, 2010

Today was another intense day, but I believe I can feel good about taking tomorrow off.

I seriously dug into the keyword research tool.  I don't understand how all the different features work together but I was able to use the keyword generating tool, then run my favorite keywords through the tool that tells you how many web sites come up under each one.

I decided to run my first set of campaigns on a product I am very familiar with but which is still largely unknown.  Most of the keywords I chose gave me a response like "great" or "start writing now."

Although I actually have articles on the topic from previous involvement, I ended up writing and submitting a brand new one to ezinearticles.  For whatever reason that was easier than trying to revise my old ones for keyword optimization.  The great thing is that I still have them and maybe next time I'll be able to produce an optimized article much faster.

My next target for article submission will be InfoBarrel, but I'm waiting on my AdSense application to go through so I can make money off the articles themselves.

Here's a question:  Is it OK to submit the exact same article to more than one article site?  I'm sure they would all love exclusive rights but at least ezinearticles didn't  say anything about wanting exclusivity.  They won't accept duplicate articles for their site.  I know there is training on WA that addresses the issue of original vs. PLR articles, so I'm sure my question will get answered eventually.

I have some technical issues with my web site.  If anyone reading my blog is good with websites and wants to lend a hand, I will be most grateful.

The last thing I tried to do today was start a lens on squidoo.  I just wanted to set it up to work on later, but something wigs out between step 3 and step 4 and I just get a blank page.  Will try again later.  I love the concept as I understand it so far and already have some great ideas for how to promote the same product on squidoo.  I have lots of pictures and inside information, so it's bound to be 100% original.

In case you're wondering, my first product promotion is AOCS Silver, and you can learn more about it by checking out my website  You are definitely welcome to become a customer if really nice spendable silver rounds are your thing :-)


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phbreez Premium
Hi.......I'd be glad to help you with a squidoo.....I'll even make one up for you if you are really stuck. I did one for a new person and she was happy and it got her confident again and up and going. FREE too take a look at my blog phbreez....I just decided to do that last night and posted a note about it today. phbreez