Clickbank sales at last!

Last Update: September 18, 2010

I joined Squidoo in January of this year, before I joined the WA. Back then, I was feeling my way around by trial and error. I had this one lense that was ranking OK, and over the year kept making small improvements, keyword optimization, etc. Whether it was the weather, the time of the year or just luck, but at the beginning of September (I had only just checked) it appears I made two sales. How about that. Also, I have some hubs (at Hubpages) and a monetized blog on a niche subject and it seems, the adsense revenue is starting to add up. And I still get monthly commissions from the WA subscriptions. It's small change right now, but it can only get better!

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Louise M. Premium
Congratulations on your first sales!! :) More to come I'm sure!
erussell Premium
Congrats! Just keep on doing what you're doing, track everything, make improvements, and let your income snowball =D