The Journey begins

Last Update: May 22, 2010

It has been two weeks since I joined. I have been flipping through the tools, reading tutorials, incorporating the learning. I am impressed with this site. I have just finished an Masters in Distance education and this is a fine example of a well-organized, content rich, community based interactive Web site.

I have been trying to find my way in affiliate marketing (started sometime in November), have tripped and fallen, have gotten overloaded and annoyed. And now I'm going to stick with this. I'm going to use the blog tool more too! It will help document progress, set goals, note accomplishment, and most importantly (I hope) interact.

Today, I am reading through Week two, I'm making more "buddies", and I got my affiliate link for WA. Google has sent me a card for $100 credit so I'm thinking of applying it to a paid traffice campaign for either WA or one of the Niches. 

This is a journey of a thousand miles, and many little foot steps.  Many tracks are laid out here, yet there are lots of possibilities. 



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Jamie Smith Premium
continue on your journey taking steps forward