More focus, less trial and error

Last Update: May 24, 2010

Writing for me has always been an important way to document the journey, integrate new learning, and talk into the ether when no one else was around to listen.

Today, I did most of lesson 3 in the action plan. Some of these things, I've read/heard before, but there was a lot of dimension here. I got as far as identifying 16 niches from DMOZ, but need to find one to drill down to 10 subniches. That will be tomorrow's task

Before I came here, I had experimented with Squidoo and Hubpages. I may even hit the $1 threshold from squidoo next month!. Wow. that's progress. But still I haven't really sold anything . I have a better idea now.


Partly it was niche selection, keyword choice, even the way I structured the article. Some of those articles did get hits from the search engine and I was able to track which key words were used. But now I know even more about what works and what doesn't. Yet, there is a bit of artistry, intuition and luck. Overall, I would say, I have more focus, but I'm sure there will be some trial and error yet to come. 

I also gained some goodies from the forum:

*How to turn a URL into an RSS feeder at Feedage

*Put a tool onto my browser that tells me things such as page rank and top key word searches people are using in hubpages and squidoo (sorry, I don't remember the name of this tool) but also, it installed Alexa as well. 






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jatdebeaune Premium
I like your title,"more focus and less trial and error". I think also, becoming more strategic can get you closer to the goal and faster. Of course, you still have to test and tweak.
maureenhannan Premium
I enjoyed your post..I feel the same way about writing. Thanks for documenting what you're trying to accomplish...and the challenges too. I'll keep reading....