Posts by Raf408 7
August 07, 2012
I've had my site up for about two weeks now but unfortunately no sales to speak of. On the bright side I see more and more visitors keep piling in so at least that is a good sign. I am trying to not get discouraged as I realize I have come very far in a very short amount of time.So I'll keep my head up and keep plugging away, I know that I will see the results very soon.Thanks for all of your kind words and support.
July 29, 2012
Sorry I haven't been very active on her the past couple of days but I've been really busy getting things going with my website. I have been able to join several affiliate groups and put their links as well as banners on my site, even including putting my very own Amazon store right within my site!!It has been very exciting but also very tiresome and time consuming. I hope to be able to make some money from the site in the next 30-45 days. I just need to find better ways to drive traffic
So far everything has gone well. I have written articles for street articles as well as sent out several requests to join affiliate programs. It is hard to believe how fast everything is moving but I am very excited to keep moving forward.I just have one question, how long does it take or when will I know if my website will begin showing up in search engines? Thanks again to everybody for their feedback and help, this has been an amazing experience.
July 26, 2012
Hi everyone, if there is anybody that could give me some advice and help on the sharing aspect of WA I would really appreciate it. I read through the tutorial (more then once) and for some reason I am just missing something. I don't understand how to get the referral link onto my webpage or where to put it. Also. I wanted to put the link for someone to try out WA for the 10 day trial but couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. Any help would be really appreciated.
July 26, 2012
I'd like to give myself a nice little pat on the back for actually getting my first website up and running. Now all I have to do is get some traffic going towards it, but nonetheless I still feel very satisfied having accomplished this. Especially considering that just a few days ago I literally had no idea how to create a website! This truly is an amazing community.
1 comment
July 25, 2012
I am currently having some trouble figuring out what my niche should be. Perhaps I am simply over thinking it. I picked out my two passions, interests, and hobbies as outlined in the 10 day training but am unsure as to whether or not I am on the right track. One of my ideas was too review the multiple movie theaters that is in my area. I frequent them quite often and was thinking to review each one with pros and cons as well talk about what surrounds these theaters so someone can plan a date nig
July 24, 2012
I just joined Wealthy Affiliate earlier today and after reading a couple of Steve's guides I have decided to take his advice and list some goals that I have.1) Get at least one website up and running within 30 days2) Meet people and make connections3) Get traffic to built websiteThis is a short list as I am still getting my feet wet and learning the ropes, I will continue to update my goals as I continue through this process.