Help with Niche

Last Update: July 25, 2012
I am currently having some trouble figuring out what my niche should be. Perhaps I am simply over thinking it. I picked out my two passions, interests, and hobbies as outlined in the 10 day training but am unsure as to whether or not I am on the right track. One of my ideas was too review the multiple movie theaters that is in my area. I frequent them quite often and was thinking to review each one with pros and cons as well talk about what surrounds these theaters so someone can plan a date night or something to that nature. The other idea I had was to write about and review the numerous taco shops in my area. Again, I frequent these quite often and would like to help people to decide which ones to eat at.Any help or feedback as to whether or not I am on the right track would be a great help.
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DABK Premium
You need to be at the top of a bunch of keyword searches, like #1, so you get traffic. Once you have traffic, you can go to any of these taco places and say, hey, I have this website on local taco spots, would you like to have you ad on my homepage? My whole site?

It would work better if you put up mock ads that lead to you (you need to get a phone number just for that site, and a form), so you can go to taco shop owners and tell them, I've got 37 people a day last month responding to my ads on my site.

Or, instead of review site, make it a directory site of taco places. You could have reviews there as your posts, but you'll have short descriptions of taco places and, for those who pay, you'll have a whole page, where they can put whatever they want, including contact us forms, coupons. You go to the owner, and tell them, Hey, I have a taco directory. It's getting x visitors a month. I've got a couple of people who've paid for a whole page. They got 18 people a day to contact them. (Which means, you give away a couple of pages, and track... phone numbers that you control, the contact us form sends you a copy too). It's real cheap, you get all this exposure, plus x,y,z (throw in some things you can do for them for free that have value to them but cost you little). Then you tell them the price: a measly $67 a month.

I can make videos of your establishment, sir, and put them on my website too. If you go with this option, 1 video a month, which goes on my site, on youtube too, it's only $337 a month. The videos, like the page, will be seo'd. But how many of your competitors have videos? The videos will have strong calls to action...

Once they buy, sell them other seo stuff, sms marketing, google places (especially if they go for the videos... You get to put 5 of them on Google places anyway).
Deezdz Premium
Hi raf408. You're definitely on the right track by choosing something you enjoy and are passionate about.

When I first started, I choose to promote ClickBank products because 'everyone' said they were "easy" to sell and a great way to start. Although it taught me many things in marketing on-line, it wasn't as fun or easy seeing as I didn't really have an interest in the products.

The first niche you choose will likely not be your last. I would suggest picking 1 of the 2 you mentioned above and running with it. Learn as much as you can while having some fun on a topic you enjoy.

Hope this helps and wishing you every success!
jchilders Premium
Sounds like you are wanting to do local marketing. Have you thought about how you are going to monetize the site?

Something that just came to mind, but may take some time to get it going.... Get your review site setup and going. Once you have some traffic, go to the local shops that do not have a website and show them the people they could be missing out on. Offer to create a website for them (for a fee of course), do SEO, advertise on your site, etc.

Someone with local business experience can probably give you better/more advice (I'm looking at you DABK) :)
georgejhaas Premium
Hi, Trying to focus on eating areas are always going to be subjective. Also, what type of product or eBook can you suggest to make you earn some income from writing on movie theaters and taco eating places?

I would focus on one of your hobbies that you really like. Look for products that are related to this hobby. If you need some ideas, try going into Wonderful products there and they will let you know if there is an affiliate program to join to earn commissions. Also, check out Amazon at You can register for FREE as an affiliate and earn a small commission (4-6.5%) on every sale. Check out Google Trends.

Find a domain about your niche (hobby) and write content about it to promote any products that will help visitors to your site and want to buy what you are selling.

This will all take time. Right now, you need to focus on something that you really love, like and know about, so you can set-up your website all around this hobby.

I hope this helps. Good Luck!