Goal List

Last Update: July 24, 2012
I just joined Wealthy Affiliate earlier today and after reading a couple of Steve's guides I have decided to take his advice and list some goals that I have.

1) Get at least one website up and running within 30 days

2) Meet people and make connections

3) Get traffic to built website

This is a short list as I am still getting my feet wet and learning the ropes, I will continue to update my goals as I continue through this process.
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georgejhaas Premium
Welcome to WA. You are certainly starting right by setting goals. With all of the tools and training WA has you should be able to get one website up and running within 30 days. As you have already found out people are willing to help. One of the key ways to get traffic to your built website is to write good content - something that provides more than surface information. Again welcome. Glad you joined. We like WA very much. We have learned so much from so many people and have been able to put what we learn into practice.
ronamo Premium
Hi raf408, welcome to WA. This is a great place to be. You have a good set of goals. Just remember, we are all here to help when you need it.