Help With Sharing

Last Update: July 26, 2012
Hi everyone, if there is anybody that could give me some advice and help on the sharing aspect of WA I would really appreciate it. I read through the tutorial (more then once) and for some reason I am just missing something. I don't understand how to get the referral link onto my webpage or where to put it. Also. I wanted to put the link for someone to try out WA for the 10 day trial but couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. Any help would be really appreciated.
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ronit-drora Premium
I over heard your explanation, I think it will be soon usefull for me too .Thanks .You got me as a follower. By the way, is there is any spelling corector at sight over here ? I have compession on my readers. Ronit-Drora
georgejhaas Premium
Hi, I will assume that you have a WordPress blog for your site. On the page where you want to link say 10-Day Free Trial, you would highlight the words you want to link and than click on the Link Button on the menu bar, just above where you type text. You can highlight up to five (5) words. Type in the URL and click on the Add Link button. If you want to add your Wealthy Affiliate link and your ID link found when you click on the Affiliate Program in the left panel. Highlight it and place it into the dialog box. After you click on the add link, publish or update the page and select View Page and check if the link takes the visitor to the 10-day free trial page on Wealthy Affiliate page. If it works you are good. If not recheck the spelling of the URL.

I hope this helps. George
mskathidoll Premium
Has anyone helped you with this yet? They are the F share, tweet, G, email , comment bottons above your blogs. Links Must be open and you need an acct with what ever link you want to share with. Mouse over them and see what happens.