Keeping it short...

Last Update: March 07, 2012

Today's lesson was to keep my articles short and keep the time I take to write them down. Succeeded with the first article (about 20 minutes and 450 words which is real good for me!) but had to do a little research on the second one and not counting that time, it took about an hour to write. I used Labman's advice and had an essential outline for the first one but used the notes I took (and paragraphs I started writing while doing the research) for the second. It took me about 45 minutes to write and about 700+ words. I could write 5 a day and still have time to do everything else I have to do if I can keep them all short and sweet and outlined first!

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kyle Premium Plus
Nice work, that is some writing efficiency there! ;)
jatdebeaune Premium
Wow, fast. I can't write them that fast.
Deezdz Premium
20 minutes / article is FAST! Good for you!
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome, actually it was Jay's advice. Gotta watch those old WAbinars Folks.
Renni Premium
Wrote another one today - off the cuff. Got 'er done in half an hour but still had 680 words. Only 11 to go in the challenge. I was behind but am caught up now.
I'm always going back through those WAbinars. Great resources!