Posts by Skyla 14
April 20, 2010
Well it has been a great first month and I have learnt so much.  Now it is a matter of putting things into practice. Just purchased my first domain name and am waiting for it to show up in my hosting here. Then will work on creating a landing page for my campagin. There really is so much to take in here and a bit at a time seems to work the best. I am enjoying article writing and have managed to get a few jobs from fellow WA members writing and submitting articles for them as well.  I
March 31, 2010
With it being Good Friday tomorrow, decided to write this today while I have the time. My time here at WA has just flown by, can't believe it has been 2 weeks all ready! I managed to write 3 more articles and submitted them, 2 have been approved on Ezine articles, actually within a matter of days, so that was fast.  I have finally mastered submitting to Free Traffic and adding all the open and close spin tags!  By using the my linker cloaking tool have tracked the links to my squiddo p
March 26, 2010
Well with the end of my first week here, I feel that I have accomplished  a lot.  It sure was time consuming, sometimes frustrating but I feel very proud of having actually achieved some things this week. Got my first lens up and running. Wrote two articles and got them submitted, even though the process at Free traffic had me frustrated.  Once I got it worked out it ran pretty smoothly.  Just finished submitting my second article at Ezines.  More than I had achieved in
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March 25, 2010
Being new to Wealthy affiliate I thought that keeping a blog of my progress will be a great reference for the trials and tribulations I will no doubt have to venture through. That said my first issue was not being able to stay logged into the system.  I was so excited and wanted to get learning but every time I clicked a link I was booted out and then finally just could not get back in. An email to my sponsor and the solution use Firefox!  Installed it and hey presto! Back in business.