Enjoying the freedom, but still a bit scared....

Last Update: July 05, 2012
As some of you may already know, I lost my job at the end of June. While I initially faced this life changing event filled with fear, I must admit that part of me is thrilled that it occurred. For once I don't find myself being startled awake every morning by the evil alarm clock, even though I do find myself waking around the same time as when I was employed.

I also find myself able to get a lot more done on a daily basis, as I am now free of the distractions of the JOB, and I must admit I have no real interest in going back to working a normal JOB, but its the fear of how we will pay the bills on one salary that I must admit scares the crap out of me. Sure I am entitled to unemployment, but it still won't cover anywhere near what my old salary used to.

In the interim, I am still selling as much as I can on eBay which is helping to slowly build up a bit of a savings cushion, but its still not quite enough. I know I need to get back to working on my sites, and I have plans to complete a re-write of all the existing content on my WA site, but beyond that I am at a bit of a loss.

I know I need to take it all one baby step at a time, but I can't help but be a bit frustrated with myself as I now find myself in the position that I have wanted to be in for so long, yet now find it difficult to take action. Maybe all I need is some time to relax and get my head back on straight, especially after all the stress I have had to contend with in the past few months as I can honestly say there is no better thought than being able to say goodby to the JOB once and for all!
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Shawn Martin Premium
Good things come in strange packages, many people wish they were right where we are at, able to focus full time on our ventures. Go get er done. :)
fishing Premium
Given lemons make lemenade Jennifer, first thing Idid when facing one paycheck was to cut out nonsense spending....money you spend because you have it, but now you do not have it....amazing the money you spend on nothing but cost alot....then cut the extra's on the bills....grocery's are a bit harder but can be done.....this will get you back in the funk of things and save you some money for sure thus making you feel better....

.IM is the new frontier full steam ahead....You already know what to excpect and how to tackle a online business half the battle done....finnish it....you know the rewards....I see a smile in your face :)
BIS Premium
Hi Jennifer
I'm gald you have got through the situation of your redundancy, because it's something that has been haunting you for so long.

It's perfectly understandable that although you've dreamt of having more freedom you are now struggling to take action. It's a natural reaction to what you have been through - it's your mind and body resting after the stress. So don't be hard on yourself.

But you will have to force yourself into action because it rarely comes back naturally. So the only thing to do is to set some goals and then sketch out a plan for the next month how you are going to reach them. I know you can do it!!

Best wishes
