How Do Others Do It?

Last Update: January 03, 2012

As I face day 1 back at work after a week off, I already find myself fighting against the overwhelming feeling that has had a hold on me for so long. The only difference this year is that I KNOW the overwhelming feeling is always the death of any ambition that I start the day with and I am trying my best to not let this feeling take over, but I can't help but wonder, how do others do it?

How do they fight the urge to let this feeling take hold? I know I am not the only one out there who currently works FT while trying to build some form of online income. While I am lucky enough to have the chance to work from home, the biggest issue I face is that my work is not the same from one day to the next. I can go days, if not sometimes weeks with very few tasks on my plate, which is great because it allows me to work on other projects, but then a fire drill occurs, and I'm pulled away from whatever I was working on. Since we all know the FT job which pays the bills ALWAYS takes precedence over our side endeavors.

Its the distraction of the JOB that always leaves me feeling frustrated since it almost always leaves me with an even longer to do list than I had originally started the day with. Not to mention a list of unfinished tasks since there never seems to be enough hours in the day/week, especially when 40 hours of it is dedicated to the JOB. 

I know I am only human, and there are only so many things that I can possibly accomplish in one day, but why is it easier to beat myself up over it, resulting in metal/physical fatigue, instead of just resigning myself to the fact that what wasn't accomplished today can be done tomorrow, or maybe the next day, but for some reason I lost that understanding somewhere along the way. 

 As I start the new year, I keep telling myself that I can accomplish my goals, but the key to it all is I need to approach it with baby steps. Just like paying off debt occurs with one payment at a time, my goals and dreams are also made up of what sometimes feels like an infinite amount of baby steps. While I know that I have the drive needed to get everything done, I need to remind myself to approach life, and my to do list with blinders on. Now all I need to do is put all these theories to work and make them a reality. 

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How others can do this comes from a few things here (actually a plethora of things) but the most obvious is that most people (not here) do not have any idea what to do with their time away from the job. They have no idea that there are things a person can do to move up out of the JOB situation they hate so they simply do it. They do this because of incarcerating beliefs that they have. (Yes, we can become imprisoned by our own belief systems. Simply stated, people can do it because they think that's what they are supposed to do...and that in order to make money there is no other way but to work for someone else. The other big thing here is that people hate their jobs so much they "reward" themselves for getting through another day with spending their entire time divulging in entertainment. So they watch South Park instead of educating themselves. I knew of people who watched episode after episode of this rubbish and wonder where their heads are at when they suddenly and without warning, have their income shut off by the keeper of the money switch. The probable reason why you wonder this is because you know there is a better life waiting for you. If you are anything like me, your job isn't fulfilling. You are in it because it's expedient and about a 70% chance that it is not aligned with your passions. Unfortunately, as a full-time worker, you do have to take baby steps because you MUST center your life around the job. Like one of the replies below must try to downgrade your working hours as you can pull it off. I'm suffering the other way. I lost my last job almost two years ago and with a poor work history (always hated the jobs I had and it certainly showed) I'm constantly struggling trying to make an income. I have none and that is worse of a distraction than having to work around a job on projects. The only thing you can do is keep your determination about and utilize every bit of your time on work, off work and to and fro with your education without jeopardizing your job or family life.
smokeywins Premium
I could not have said it better myself. I work in the technical field and its pretty much like you said, a job that makes X amount of money, but it does not make me happy. I am a creative person at heart, and my job prevents me from expressing that creativity. I just need to keep telling myself that with baby steps I am working towards a goal and I WILL NOT see results overnight. Thanks again for the great reply.
I actually wrote an entire book on this topic. It is entitled, "Beyond Employment: The Implications of Being Employed and What You Need to Know About Wage Slavery" It is nearly completed but I've not been on it for almost a year now to finish it. It needs editing.
You said, " I am a creative person at heart, and my job prevents me from expressing that creativity. " I have an entire chapter on this one thing. Also, other problems with employment addressed in this thread are dealt with in my book. I really need to get this thing finished and up where people can find it. I'm thinking of doing a market research project with this book right here on WA. It is my way of helping out. It is indirectly related to IM and can really help optimize lives...INCLUDING MY OWN. Yes...I can even learn from my own book!
Jave27 Premium
It's all really a matter of priorities and having the will power to push through when facing downtime or negative experiences. Your #1 priority should be to your own family and your health. #2 is to maintain the income you already have coming in (aka, "real job"), which contributes to #1. #3 is really up to you. Do you want to spend your free time building something with which to create more free time in the future? Or, would you rather watch TV or play games? (Not implying that's where you spend *your* time, but for me, making the switch to focusing all my excess energy on IM was a big deal)
smokeywins Premium
What you say is so very true. For me, I'm actually guilty of spreading myself too thin all in an effort to make a few extra $$$... Hubby plays video games which I never have the time for, unless I force myself to sit still which is easier said than done. The biggest problem for me is I need to stop jumping into multiple side projects and focus on what I know will work, although it may take time, but it sometimes can be hard to not get sucked in by things that bring instant $$$ gratification, like eBay. Thanks for the great feedback.
WriterGig Premium
Could you move to part-time with your job once you build up your online income? That's what I did -- I slowly did less and less hours for my upfront pay work as I built up my residual income, until I moved entirely to residual income projects.
smokeywins Premium
Thanks for your feedback but as an IT professional I don't really have the option to cut back my hours. Its already bad enough that I work on contract and there's always the case that I may not have a job the following year. I just need to learn how to balance the time I have available to me which I hopefully can figure out sooner rather than later.
Beats1212 Premium
I work full time too, with a family and the pursuit of a career in the music industry as well, so my life is extremely hectic and I feel as if I too have little extra time for anything.

What I have decided is that there are 24 hours in each day, 8 of them goes to a full time job, the other 16 to everything else. IM will be given at least a dedicated 2 hours per day, even if it means staying up until 3 a.m. For me, crossing the FT job out of my equation is what drives me to keep going even though I feel as if I don't know what I'm doing, and/or I'm not receiving the type of results that I would like to see based upon the work that I have put in. But I also tell myself, this is only the first few minutes of the first quarter. Nobody has even scored yet! We have TIME to watch the defense (Google), plan an offense (find a niche) and execute (write massive amounts of articles)! Everyone around me who thinks that I'm wasting my time will soon see. That drives me as well to keep going... I believe. I have faith. I've been praying. I found out about Wealthy Affiliate, while looking for something totally unrelated. I feel as if I were directed here by God (don't laugh). But I'm serious. And I know that he will never lead me anywhere that will not have my best interests in mind. He desires for me to be all that I can be, he has a plan for you and I as well. Don't you see how WA can play into your divine plan too? We just gotta keep the faith, and work at it. True, if you don't finish a task today, there's always tomorrow. Just make sure that you don't quit.

You can do this. I can do this. I know you can do it, if I can do it. I'm no better than you, my time is limited, I need and want rest, but nonetheless I'm doing it. I figure once I "make it" I can rest as much as I want. It's still the first quarter, and I'm determined to win this game. Let's get it.
smokeywins Premium
Thanks so much for your feedback as everything you said is so very true.We were all brought to WA for one reason or another.We all just need to take it one day at a time and move forward. With simple steps we can all win!
Alva Premium