Jen's Goals for 2012
First off I should clarify that I am the other Jen, kind of like the other white meat, that has been lurking around the WA halls, not to be confused with our resident guru PotPieGirl. After reading Steve's, ie IveTriedThat's, goals post, I had to come up with one of my own, even though I have been trying to limit my posts to one a day, I figured this topic was important enough to make an exception.
Having been very bad at this in the past, I have mostly left it up to my brain to try and keep track of everything which, as anyone who has read my previous entries knows, has left me pretty overwhelmed. I've written household tasks on a whiteboard, but things related to my business and even life seem to have been forgotten. So here's my llist for 2012. It may not be as long as Steve's but I see it as the first baby steps to achieving a happier and healthier me in 2012.
WA Related:
- Become a Wealthy Affiliate Ambassador (would love to finally meet face to face with those I chat with on a daily basis)
- Get consistent, quality traffic to Jennies Pet Corner and its corresponding Etsy shop
- Make at least one sale a week at the Jennies Pet Corner Etsy Shop
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 for Jennies Home Made Goods
Personal/Life Related:
- Declutter the household
- Stay consistent with my Total Gym workouts to lose 30 lbs (yeah I know such a girl thing :-) )
- Pay off a good percentage of CC Debt
- Reinstate date night with hubby
- Bowl a 200 (hey I've gotten close)
- Enjoy life more
In reality I probably can come up with many more things, but this may be more than I can accomplish in one year, but I sure am going to try!