Lets Get The New Year Started....

Last Update: January 02, 2012

Before I start, I want to first wish all my fellow WA members a Happy and Successful New Year!!! Lets achieve our goals and make this year better than the ones that came before.

 For me 2011 was a mix of frustration, stress and achievements. While I had started out the year with much ambition, I did in fact complete the WA Success in 30 days plan, I quickly found myself getting overwhelmed with too many things on my to do list and as usual WA somehow got pushed to the back burner, against my better judgement, in pursuit of other methods that offered a instant gratification of sorts. 

Why is it always so easy to get distracted, yet so difficult to stay focused on what we know will deliver results? I work full time, and I have bills to pay, and I always find myself falling into the hole of trying to do too many things at once in hopes of making a few extra $$$. Why do I do this to myself? I know better, yet I keep falling victim to what I refer to as "shiny object syndrome". I start working on one task, then easily get distracted by something else that a part of my brain tells me I need to do now which commonly results in projects that I start, but never finish. A good example of this is the following:

1. A personal blog that I have started but can never seem to update on a consistent basis

2. 2 Domains that I own and I haven't even gotten around to adding any form of content to it

3. 2 Domains and a free blog that I haven't updated in months

What I have done in the past year is I have managed to get rid of a lot of stuff on eBay, and I have also had success with making many sales in my Etsy store, but not without spending a lot of my own hard earned money in the process.  I think the biggest issue is I need some sort of help with prioritizing and formulating some type of "To Do" list to keep me on track, but writing things down has never been one of my strong points, so I guess thats why I find myself constantly suffering from "shiny object syndrome." 

While I am not one to hold my self to a resolution of sorts, I have come up with a list of  things that I would like to accomplish. They are:

 1. Pay off debt

2. Stop worrying and putting everyone else before myself

3. Drive more traffic to my Etsy store

While these items may sound straightforward, where I get lost is when it comes to where to start. While I kind of have a handle on the debt issue, it sometimes becomes hard to not use the $$$ of free space you just received with the last CC payment.

If anyone has any recommendations for simple, easy to follow guides or training for formulating a to do list, please let me know as I could sure use some help and advice from my fellow WA'ers as I know, and have proven, that this is something that I cannot tackle on my own.

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Jave27 Premium
One good tip is to post sticky notes on your monitor (or whatever you stare at every day). Don't put *everything* on these notes, just put the top 2 or 3 things that you need to do *every single day*. i.e., "Update Blog", "Create 5 Backlinks to one of my sites", or whatever. Good luck!
smokeywins Premium
Hmm, the sticky note idea may actually work. I use a laptop so theres a limited amount of "real estate" for sticky notes. Now I just need to come up with a must do list so I can make sure those are done every day, then work on whatever once those are completed. Thanks for the great feedback.
Labman_1 Premium
Your first list could have come from my house. Lots to do and very little time to do it in. I didn't know how good I had it when I was out of work. There was all kinds of time but no income coming in. Now, I have the income and the desire to work for myself, just no time to get it all done.

Wishing you well with your 2012 endeavors. Feel free to contact me if you want to vent.
WriterGig Premium
Just wanted to say best of luck with all of your goals! We became debt free in 2011 and it is the best feeling ever!