Squidoo and Marketing...

Last Update: July 28, 2011


 Based on the comments that I got I now have a few more questions.

 My lens contains links to the site that I am promoting. 

Should the links instead be directed to a full blown site about something like "social networking" or is that too vague for the particular product I am trying to promote?

Just trying to wrap my head around all this. 




I need some help/advice.

 I just created a new Squidoo lens for promoting a Business Social Networking site entitled Bizoppers. 


I know I need to market this page, but for some reason I find myself still somewhat confused.

Is it still ok to use Squidoo lenses as the landing page for my one off promotions? Or is it better to create a WP site, similar to the one I created to promote WA, for every product I am interested in promoting?

 Also, are links to Squidoo lenses still an accepted by the likes of Ezine and Street Articles?

I just want to make sure I am pointing myself in the right direction before I spend countless hours creating and pointing articles to a site that won't deliver results. 

I appreciate your feedback....

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Labman_1 Premium
Most people seem to want to use Lenses to do market research. If the Squid stuff seems to be good for traffic then make it into a link and send people to an actual site. Use the developed lens as a backlink to promote an additional site. Hey, if nothing else you've created one leg of a linkwheel.