The cleaning has commenced....

Last Update: March 09, 2011

After my post yesterday, I took it upon myself to start on the office. For the past 3 years there has been an ever growing pile of bank statements, bills etc on my husbands desk. Not that long ago we had been quite organized when it came to filing all our paperwork for the year, but somewhere along the way that organization got away from us. I was reminded about this last weekend when we visited HR Block for our taxes. 

It wasn't until I went through that pile yesterday that I finally realized how much crap we had saved,for no real reason. I have already gone through 4 bags worth of shredding and I still have a pile left to go. 

As for the rest of the office, well its still a disaster zone. Hubby had installed shelving on an entire wall when we first moved in. That was supposed to be storage for all my eBay items. Needless to say I have since outgrown that and there are still boxes full of crap in various areas of the office. 

We had also inherited a 4 drawer filing cabinet from my aunt a few months ago which is partially to blame for the mess. We had to move some items around to accommodate the behemoth of a filing cabinet but never really got around to moving things back in place. 

With the end of my Avon business, I have also decided to stop selling on eBay due simply to the lack of profit that it provides. But of course I cannot end that "hobby" until I dispose of all the inventory I had accumulated. We also have plans to have a yard sale this spring, once the weather warms up of course. 

After reading the comments on yesterdays post, I finally realized what my problem is. I keep feeling bad that I am not dedicating time to WA due to the fact that I simply have too many loose ends to tie up. 

At this point my short term goals are as follows:

  1. List remaining boxes of books on Amazon
  2. Create auctions for remaining clothing I have on eBay

I think the hardest part will be to not constantly beat myself up for not getting other things done. I got involved in WA to make extra cash to pay off our bills, and eventually to make a better life for myself and my husband by allowing us more free time for vacations as well as anything else we are interested in. 

I have many dreams of a better life, but for some reason I have a problem getting there. Guess I need to stop spreading myself thin on too many projects and work on getting back to what matters most. My progress here at WA.


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