The Importance of a Quality About Me Page....

Last Update: April 06, 2012

One of the critical keys to a successful online business is the content that you put in your About Me page, yet so many of us have seem to have a fear of telling their visitors who they really are, or how they became such a loyal supporter of their given product of choice. Even something as simple as adding a photo of themselves to the page has many running for the hills.

Maybe its because some think they don't photograph well, or maybe its just the fact that they don't want their image associated with the product they chose to promote, but giving your visitors the ability to put a face as well as a background story with your site, you give them the important groundwork to putting their trust in what you have to say. It also tells the world that there is an actual human being behind the site, as opposed to just another computer generated sterile website, with no feeling, no soul, and whose only goal is to take as much of the visitors money as it can.

I actually came across a great article in the Jan edition of Entrepreneur that does a great job of explaining how to write a quality about me page. From what I have learned, visitors actually want to be able to relate to the face behind the site. Whether it be the reason why you started using/promoting a product due to financial issues, a life change etc, or the reason behind why you created the product you are selling, your story should be unique to you, and not a carbon copy of what a fellow member used for their site.

If you'd like to read more, you can check out the article here:

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TduhT182 Premium
After reading this I'm finding new motivation to improve my communication skills to connect with site visitor's experience!. Thank you, I knew it needed help but you've explained Why!.
jatdebeaune Premium
I think the About Me page is absolutely important. You never get a second chance to make an impression. I always go to that page whenever I visit a site. It gives me confidence, or just the opposite. I also agree with you about a picture. I know it's hard to feel so exposed, but people want to know you're human.