Why do I keep driving myself crazy???

Last Update: July 16, 2010

I've been a meber here at WA for quite some time now, but for some reason I keep feeling like I'm in neutral with no sales for the efforts that I have put in so far. I know this is the answer to all my money making goals, but for some reason I can't seem to dedicate the time thats required. Instead, I dabble here and there in other projects that bring me a few extra bucks, but nothing that actually brings me the residual income that I so desparately need.

As of recent, my FT job in IT keeps getting increasingly worse. The bulk of my team is made up of Indian Visa workers, and sadly I know their employers ultimate goal for these positions is to send them offshore. About a year ago I was freelance article writing as a way to make some extra money, particualry on Elance. I recently got away from that because my frustration level has gotten so high with my current job that the only thing I can bring myself to do when I get home from work is crash on the couch and watch TV because I can no longer think straight. I worry that my degree and all my 8+ years experince in my field will no longer be useful with what feels like all the major companies choosing cheaper "foreign" workers over those of us Americans who have the experience, but in turn end up just costing too much.

I guess my problem is I know I can achieve success, but how am I supposed to write all the articles that I need to when I can barely think straight, and my JOB allows me no time during the day to dedicate towards my writing. (Tried it, and got "slapped" by management).

I know I'm not the only one in this boat, and the purpose of this post is to get some sort of feedback from my fellow WA'ers as to how you got through the tough times like I am currently facing. I know theres a light at the end of the tunnel, I'm just having a hard time finding it without the fear that I may be walking towards an oncoming train.   


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