Ah Sundays...

Last Update: November 01, 2009

They are definitely better than Monday, just by nature.  Monday's just historically suck for me.  I guess it's the fact that I'm back to work after just two measly days off.  Ugh.

This Monday, 11/2/09, is a little different for me though.  See, yesterday when I was on my little "break" from WA (needed to clear my melon - if you know what I mean!), I just checked my CB stats right before the Bear's game and to what did my eyes behold??  My first sale!  $33!

Now I have made sales through CB before with Adwords, but this is especially sweet.  See I spent a couple grand in Adwords and made around $400.  This was so much more thrilling because of the work that I put into it and the fact that I did it for free (well, not counting WA and the handful of domains I purchased).  It is just such a satisfying feeling - I can't even describe it.

Now comes the question of the day, "How Long Are You (including myself) Willing to Work?"  See I've been going full bore for three straight weeks and just got my first sale.  While it was totally awesome to get that sale, it reminded me of just how much work it actually takes to be successful.

So while I am going to enjoy this for a minute, it is time to get back to the grind.  Obviously this works and I did something right.  It can be done!  (now I just need to convince my wife!)

"All I ask is a chance to prove money can't make me happy"




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Garrd Premium
Congrats I say for the time that you have been here and how much time it takes you have done awesome I have been here since Sept 22 and have not gotten as far but am getting some encouragement for people like you.

Thank you
TheAVlady Premium
Awesome! So happy to hear about your sale! YAY!!!!!!!!!! I actually make a sale myself this weekend on something that I didn't expect to ever work. It's not a great niche because folks looking for this topic really want free info, but it made a sale. This wasn't my first but I haven't had many. About your slogan "All I ask....".

My father-in-law once said, "Money can't buy you happiness, but it sure can take the edge off of misery!" Ha! Ha!

Congrats and keep moving forward toward the snowball Internetgranny mentioned!
Internetgranny Premium
Congratulations! Unlike Adwords, with the articles you should be building momentum so that soon you should find a snowball effect.
I'm sending you some gold for the motivation you are giving to others.
idm Premium
Congrats on the first sale. I hope it's feeling a bit more real for you now that you've seen some numbers in your account.