As I'm Sitting on the Phone...

Last Update: March 23, 2010

with my STUPID prescription company, I realize just how important it is to .....


Doesn't that just TICK YOU OFF?  You talk to someone and they say that they are going to do something and it just doesn't happen?  I spent a week and a couple of hours on the phone between doctors, insurance companies, prescription companies, etc and FINALLY I got an answer -

"Sorry, we can't help you."

Gee thanks 

This of course is AFTER I was told that there wouldn't be any problems!  All and all though, it isn't the end of the world as I have alternatives, but it's the principle behind it.

I was told that this was a service that I could receive and it took a lot of time and listening to a slew of HORRIBLE "on-hold music" just to find out that I was duped.

That being said, the very same concept should apply to what we do in internet marketing.  If we are promoting a product, be sure that the product is going to do exactly what you say it will.

If you have your product(s), make sure they are directly addressing what you SAY they are going to address.

Nothing PISSES ME OFF more than thinking that I finally found a solution to my problem just to find out that I'm back at square one.

Take the time and do it right the first time.  I promise that it will pay dividends in the end!

Grrrr.....what a stupid night!


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will23 Premium
Yeah, I can't tell you how many times I've gotten in trouble for actually going the extra mile to help out customers at my j.o.b. And I can't begin to tell you how frustrating it is when a customer calls in with a problem because another employee dropped the ball, I go to my supervisor to see how we can SOLVE the problem, but management is more concerned about finding out what employee originally made the mistake instead of solving the problem for the customer. Most places talk a good deal about customer service but don't give their employees the tools or the opportunity to provide it to their customers...
Slugger_mn Premium
Cough Cough PAYPAL!!!!!! I WAS ON THE PHONE FOR almost an HOUR tonight!!!! After calling the "Wrong" Number ten times!!! THEY HUNG UP ON ME! HA!!! Whatever.. On more reason I.M. is possible(:
dr.bob Premium
I just had this type of experience with a chain store. I called to see if they would take back a pair of Shape Ups and reorder a different size. "Of course" they said, "bring them in." So, the next day I drive 30 or so miles to be told that they could not get my size. A total waste of my time. I do realize that people are people and that we all make mistakes. I try to understand. I like your attitude in what you say that we need to make sure that what we say people are getting is what they get.
Not2Late Premium
Good lord... I just had this conversation yesterday with my other half. It's everywhere. It amazes me that the world itself is basically incompetent.
jatdebeaune Premium
True Mike. Customer service is everything. It's your first chance to make a good impression, and you know what they say about first impressions. I'm certain your customers are totally confident in your service.