Wow Mike, Where the Hell Have You Been?

Last Update: August 09, 2010

That's a good question!

Actually I've been busier than all with everything IM and family stuff.  Summers seem to always get the best of me!

Between baseball games, picnics, b-day parties, etc. it seems that I've had very little time to come and hang out with everyone at the WA

That being said though, both Pete and I have still been working - and I mean working HARD!

We actually just ramped up The Evolution of a Sale 2.  

It took a couple of months, but we're just about there!  We're both totally stoked about it!

You can check it out - The Evolution of a Sale2

It's pretty cool to see the difference between the two sites.

So anyway for those that have been wondering where I went off to, I've actually never left :)  It's just been a really busy summer for me.

It's nice to get back into the WA community and help out where I can.

Ah, what a breathe of fresh air!

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sox1n05 Premium
NO CHEESE HEAD - LORD NO! I'm a huge football fan, but I'm a die hard Bear's fan. You can take the guy outta Chicago, but you can't take Chicago out of the guy! Born and raised in Chicago. I'm a transplant here in Wisconsin.
Old Mizer Premium
I have missed you as well Mike. I know you have been busy behind the scenes doing other things. Now that I think about it, is it time to pull that 'ole Cheesehead out? Maybe you are not a football fan. The new site looks GREAT!! Keep up the good work!
sox1n05 Premium
Thanks Joan - I too have missed you. It's nice to get back to some normality here. At least I hope so! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Welcome back Mike. I've missed you. Congratulations on Evolution of a Sale 2. All the best to you and Pete. Great to hear from you again.