That Was a NICE Break!

Last Update: April 06, 2010

For a lot of people, Easter weekend was last week.  I took that time to get away from my computer for a little while.

 It was AWESOME!  I checked some e-mails and some stats, but for the most part, I had two full days of no IM!  What was even better is that I NEEDED to get back to it today!!  That's a great sign for me.

How many times did you take some time off from your job and just absolutely DREAD coming back to work?  The cool thing is that wasn't the case here.  I am really glad to get back to running some campaigns, interacting with all of you and just hanging out.

That being said though, it's important that you allow yourself some time to breathe in order to stay sharp and alert!

Who knows, the next million dollar campaign may be right under your nose and you may not realize it until you clear your head a bit!

Anyhow, it's good to be back at it after my 2 day vacation!

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Alex Copeland Premium
I did pretty much the same... enjoyed it with the kids and cleared the garden... did a bit of DIY... went for a nice walk... and then settled down and watched a couple of bad (good) 80's films.. anyone remember The Money Pit and Overboard ;) Lol! It's like anything, diets, work, hobbies.... if you go too extreme then it takes the fun out of it... you aren't doing anything wrong or to feel guilty for by taking a break, you're just keeping it what it should be... FUN ;)
Louise M. Premium
I so much agree with you, that's exacly what I did and pretty much how I feel after a couple of days off. I'm back with great ideas and ways to apply them. Fresh air helps ;)

Thx for your post, that's a reminder for all of us!
jatdebeaune Premium
Glad you had a break, Mike. You really do have to do that from time to time in order to stay fresh and clear headed. Hope you had a happy Easter. I have to take the day off today to be in the garden, which desperately needs my attention. I'll be back to work tonight or tomorrow morning, depending on if I can move after the garden.