Each Day is Another Step in the Right Direction

Last Update: February 22, 2010

The last couple of months have been an absolute roller coaster ride.  I went from writing articles and lenses to building websites and products.  It just shows how quickly things can change when you find the right opportunity.  That's the biggest thing that I have found in ANY business is having the ability to switch gears right away!

I cannot be more satisfied however.  After getting our product launched with great success, it was right back to work!  Creating new campaigns, writing articles, lenses, sites, etc. What makes this so great is that there is ALWAYS SOMETHING TO DO!

And it got me thinking - how do we stay motivated?  I mean it is so easy to find yourself overwhelmed to the point where  we just stop working.  That's why it is SOOOO important to find a way to keep motivated.

For Pete and I, we spend a lot of time communicating back and forth with each other.  That in itself is a great motivator.  That's how I do it.  Oh yeah, and then there's that little thing called MONEY!

So what we did was create a fun little exercise of the forum.  What we wanted was an exercise that would allow people to dream again.  You know, the "what if" dream!  

We have some cool prizes and stuff, but more importantly we thought we'd have a fun way to help people stay motivated, etc.  If you want to read about, you can check it out - 

Mike and Pete's Motivation Game!

I guess that it's important to always remind ourselves the "WHY" of what we are doing.  "Why are we doing this"?  "What is my goal"?  "Where do I want to be"? etc...

So anyway, that's my point.  Find your way to stay motivated and you'd be amazed at the end result!




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Tans Premium
I find the best motivator for me is all the challenges that developing an online business presents. The goals and targets that I set myself each day help too.

I love the fact that there is always something to do as well - makes you want to keep getting up in the morning to start fresh!