Get What You Can, WHEN YOU CAN!

Last Update: March 14, 2010

So here in the Midwest (the US), we lost something early this morning -


Sure this may be a bad thing because in theory, there are only 23 hours in my day today!  Bummer, right?

I think NOT!  What I did was wake up extra early and take advantage of the time that my kids WON'T be awake!  It's all about turning a bad thing into a positive thing!

Yeah I've been up for almost 4 hours now, but I've been able to get a ton of work done.  Hey, sleep isn't going to make me any money anyhow.

The one thing that I quickly noticed when running your own business, especially in internet marketing, you have to be able to get what you can WHEN YOU CAN!

That does include TIME!  It's a matter of finding different ways to stay productive and this was one of them.

 Happy Sunday and here's to a new week!


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jatdebeaune Premium
Early morning is such a powerful time because you are fresh and clear headed. When other people are asleep, you don't get cross currents of thought. Not just family and kids. Everybody. You pick it up psychically.