How's Everyone Doing?

Last Update: October 29, 2009

I haven't done a whole lot the last couple of days with WA or my IM campaigns.  I've been extremely busy and just haven't had the time.  It's amazing though how "guilty" I feel for not doing anything.  I guess that's a good sign!

I'm going to try and knock out some other crap before this weekend, so I can focus on what I need to do.  I want to be able to get another 5 good lenses and articles posted this weekend.

So enough about me....

How's everyone else doing? Is everyone staying motivated and being productive?  It seems to me that you almost need to do something everyday otherwise you lose sight of what you're doing.  

I am curious to see how everyone else is doing.  I think it's good to have some feedback from others on their progress, etc.  I know for me, it gives me something to look forward - that is, sharing my progress with others.  Hence the blog!

Anyway, this post is going to be short.  I need to do some work now!  I will leave you with a funny joke.  Laughter is a beautiful thing!

 "Okay, who put a "stop payment" on my reality check?"

We'll talk to you all later!  Good night!


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TheAVlady Premium
Hey Sox! You may want to try what I do to keep up with things. I keep a daily journal for each of my mini-sites now. You know, the sites that have around 5 pages on them. I record where I published the articles, videos, bookmarking etc. for any days I was active on that campaign. I keep it short and simply but it helps me to easily pickup where I left off. I haven't done that for my authority site but I really should. Maybe once I get it to the point where all I'm doing is adding content and promoting that content.

It is tough getting started in IM but WOW it has so much potential for us all! You can do it!
idm Premium
I'm doing pretty well. When I lose my motivation I'll take on something different for awhile and come back. I posted today's progress in the 2009 AIC forum. It sure is a lot of work but we have to look far down the road. If you ever need anything just let me know. I'm on at all hours of the day.
bkb2012 Premium
sox1n05 - This is normal pressure you're feeling related to wanting to get more done than your mind might allow. Marketing...and Internet marketing takes time, but here's what helps me. When I'm frazzled, Kyle & Carson did say..."Take a break when you really need it". Here's another reason why. Your brain must be clear to create originality. So...I see you're busy with young children. That's no small task. You'll have to offer yourself plenty of patience. In due time, you'll figure out more. As far as I'm doing on this end, the content is flowing. bkb2012