It's Been A While, Huh?

Last Update: February 01, 2010

Well, for me it's been almost a week since I've updated my blog!  Wow, that's a long time!

 I've actually taken a step from the WA for a few days so I can dedicate more time to mine and Pete's product.  While I am super excited that we're getting close to being done, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't tired!!  Having a good product is a heck of a lot more work than I thought - this is true!

The cool thing however is that I never envisioned myself having a product when I started WAAYY back in October!  Just the thought of how much work it had to be to get a website up and going and getting good content on there seemed virtually impossible.  It seemed so impossible, that I never even thought of doing it!  

I mean who tries to launch a product after only working internet marketing for only 4 months?


I guess that's what makes this so special for me.  There was something that I was "afraid" to do because I didn't know how.  So what did I do?  I took that fear and used it as a motivator to get it done!  Now look at it, we're almost fricking finished with it!!

A little bit of background about (for those of you that don't know) -

I have always worked for "The Man".  As a matter of fact, I still work for "The Man"!  I've been very successful at a young age - successful at making OTHER people rich!

This is what happened to me this year...

Being in management, I am eligible for annual bonuses contingent on the return that we generate off of our assets.  Basically, I get a percentage of how much profit we generate.  So this year, being one of the worst years in the history of transportation, we managed to pull a profit of $1.3 MILLION DOLLARS! 

That's OUR profit!

We pulled an 8.9% return!  Ask anyone in business and 8.9% return in this economy is a God Send!

Do you know how much I got from that....


I worked my tail off this year and missed my bonus by .1%.  Yep, ONE TENTH of a percent!  After generating that kind of return, I get NOTHING!

So go ahead and ask me if I'm afraid of the unknown. 

My answer - HELL YES!

But what will I do?

Conquer that unknown!

You know scares me more? 


How else am I going to start making a life for myself?  Playing it safe does nothing but make me complacent. Relying on other people has brought me a successful professional career, but at the end of the day, that doesn't pay my bills!

 My kids don't care how we get the food, they just want to eat it!

I no longer want to be told what I'M WORTH!

I'm worth a heck of a lot more than what my company DIDN'T PAY ME!

So yes, 4 months, we've gotta  product coming...are you ready?

It was time for me to get over of being scared and just DO IT!  Folks, this is the internet.  What are we afraid of?

Oh no - Ezine rejected my article

Or - My Squidoo lens didn't get indexed

Maybe - My articles reads like crap

Possibly - My landing page STINKS!



  Start over again!  It's not like we're getting graded on this stuff.  The best way to learn is by DOING.  The more you do, the more you learn!

Take the time and figure things out by doing and you are going to be just fine.

I know because that is exactly what I'm doing!

Phew, thanks for letting me vent for a little bit...I needed that!


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eageraffiliate Premium
AMEN! I know about working for the man. I was responsible (directly) for putting $7M to the bottom line (above and beyond what my job managed) and kept the company afloat and the management team in place. My reward was to be RIF'd with a token separation package. If a Corp Director, with outstanding reviews, working for the COO/CFO, and delivering cash to cover the company's covenants can be RIF'd, anybody can. There is no such thing as JOB security, nothing.

Congrats on the product development, I look forward to seeing the finished product (redundancy intended). Having done no more than write two free reports I can imagine just how difficult the process is. Keep slugging.

jatdebeaune Premium
Mike, Many people are in that same position. They are realizing that there is no security in corporate life. Employers are not loyal anymore not matter how well you perform. No more gold watches either. I have always been a fringe dweller, existing on royalties for years. Flying without a net. You know what? You're safer doing that than working for somebody. You go for it. You guys are going to do great!