No Sales = No Motivation?

Last Update: November 08, 2009

Well if that's the case, I would have stopped a long time ago!

I posted in my last blog, that I was able to get two sales within a 7 day period.  Boy was I psyched!  I figured I was on the right track.  Well I was (and still am I guess) on the right track, but I've had no sales since then.  Bummer!

I check my CB account and am still getting some traffic to my aff. products.  139 hops in three days, so I can get the traffic part going, but just not the sales!

So what did I do?  I reached out the vendors of the products that I'm promoting and asked if I could get some additional marketing products, ie screen shots.  I also asked for some additional statistics such as hops per sale.  One of my largest campaigns which has around 40 articles and 5 squid. lenses seemed to be getting a lot of traffic.  The problem...I didn't do my homework.

In talking with the vendor, their average conversion is .03 or 1/300 hops.  OUCH!  Another problem - it's only a $16 commission!  See I saw the e-book and picked a very specific niche based on that one portion of the book.  The issue is that niche is only covered on just one page.  That sucks - to create a whole campaign on one page!  Lesson learned!  He forwarded me a copy of the e-book for free (all you really have to do is ask) and it's a garbage product.

Way to waste three weeks of your life on a crappy product Mike!

 That's ok though.  I did make a sale on that product and understood how important it is to do your homework FIRST!  So for me,

No sales DIDN'T= No motivation

Lesson learned - on to the next campaign!

Go Bears!

Joke of the Day

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."

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TheAVlady Premium
I can relate to this completely. I came a cross a product (in this case it really is a good product) but a very low commission ($16 would have been awesome - try $4).

Built a whole campaign around a single, one-of-a-kind product and only had two sales so far. But, like you, I learned a valuable lesson, which I'm passing along here....

Don't build a campaign around a single product that you can't substitute for another. I wouldn't normally target a product with such a low commission but really thought the demand would be high for this product. Turned out folks just wanted some free help. Next.....
Slugger_mn Premium
Like the post, hate go bears.. Booo Bears!! haha
idm Premium
This is some nice negative feedback, but it'll help you correct the course so no way is it useless. The fact that it's 3 weeks of work will give it some extra power too. At the very least you're helping other people by sharing your experience so thanks. Throwing the gold at you.
Barnabus Premium
It's like Ruggero says"You learned something.".... Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and Go with another campaign.
Ruggero Premium
If you come away from a "failure" having learned something and with the intention to use what you've learned to improve, then you've actually succeeded!

Way to go!