Not Reinventing the Wheel Here!

Last Update: December 11, 2009

That seems to be a common problem with me here.  I want to try and do things differently from what we're being taught.  What the heck is my problem?!  How many times do you have to bring a horse to water BEFORE THEY DRINK?  Apparently a lot because I'm not drinking enough!

Actually what I really have a problem with over-complicating things.  It seemed that once I had a bit of success, I tried to do too much including websites, e-mail lists, etc.  Being that I am still relatively new, I probably should have slowed down a bit and stuck to what was working....again, not trying to reinvent the wheel!

So this morning, I took my highest visited articles and redirected my links from my website (haven't converted squat) directly to the affiliate offers.  I'm going to let them do the selling for a while!

What I also decided to do was put Squid. on the back burner for a bit.  What I'm going to do is buy cheap domain names for each campaign and just forward them to my affiliate offers.  There are a couple of reasons why I'm deciding to do this -

1.  Time - I won't be spending as much time creating Squid. pages that aren't going to do anything.

2.  Simplify the process - All I need to do is write articles, that's it.  Write, write, and write.

I think that I can get just as much content out there without having to worry about getting sites indexed, backlinks, etc.  Now of course I want to build my owns sites and such, but I need to start creating a steady stream of income first.  I am obviously doing something wrong because none of my sites are converting.  It takes time and a certain skillset to know how to build a dynamic and compeling website.  This is a skill that I haven't yet mastered.

I need to get back on track and I think that simplifying the process is the best way to go.  Even in sports when you see a player struggling, coaches will try and slow things down for them.  Same here!

I do want to give a big thank you though to the entire WA community that continues to support me and help me out when I need it.  Without you all, I probably would have given up weeks ago!

As always, I'll keep you posted!

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Slugger_mn Premium
I second that! But think big, and out of the box too because that can be the simplest solution as well.. Keep going, Im with ya! just keep moving forward, stick to it!
idm Premium
Occam's razor. Simplest solutions are the best.