Oh Boy, Here I Go!

Last Update: October 16, 2009

Well, here we go.  I've never actually blogged about myself before, but I figured if I was going to do it, now is the time!

 It's been 11 days since I've joined WA and I think so far it's been a very positive experience.  I'm learning a lot everyday.  It was sort of a wake up call for me though in that I wasn't going to get rich in just a couple of months.  I never really thought that it would be this hard!  I think that I almost had to dump everything that I though I knew about IM and start over - boy this is hard!

It's really hard.  Have you ever had so much anxiety and ideas that you can't even work?  I think this is probably a big problem with first starting with WA.  It's information overload!  I like to think of myself as a smart person, but wow this is a lot to absorb!

So I figured the best way to get started is to do exactly that - get started.  I've done some research and have created 10 Squidoo lenses on products that I would like to promote through ClickBank.  Awesome, right??  No.  I did what is recommended NOT to do.  I didn't find my niche.  I just started grabbing products and found  a keyword phrase with some search volume and low competition and put up lenses.  Now how am I going to driver traffic to ten different lenses on ten different subjects???  Ok, lesson learned there!

I did find a product yesterday that has the potential to be really good.  I have already found some pretty decent phrases with virtually no competition and at least 1000 searches a month.  I've gotten 3 articles written on three different keywords.  I even started  a small PPC campaign direct linking to the site.  I have a Quality Score of 10/10 for the four keywords I'm focusing on.  That's awesome!  Ten clicks and no sales - not a problem.  I'm only paying $.10 per click!

I also got my membership upgraded with Ezines to Plus.  This was a pleasant surprise.  Now I'm shooting for platinum.  I've also submitted my articles to 4 different directories.  Wow, that does take a lot of time.  I tried an article submitter and it just sucked.  I think I'm going to keep looking though.

Anyway, that's just about it for now.  I know, it's a whole lot of nothing, but it's all I got right now.  I figured that maybe by putting some of this stuff down on paper (well not exactly paper, but...) that it will continue to drive me.  This is hard, a lot harder than I thought.  I just need that one natural sale to show me that I'm doing something right!

Take care all who chooses to read this and I should be back!


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