Remember My Last Post?

Last Update: November 30, 2009

In my last blog post, I said that I lost my position on Google from my Ezine article.  This was a problem because this is where I was getting 75% of my traffic.

It was time to start getting some backlinks out there to my articles and that's what I did.  One of my articles came back and the other one is still in limbo.  Not too bad so far.

Last night though I was thinking...Why not just create my own site?  I created a crappy WP site a couple of weeks ago on my niche.  In three days, it was ranked 4th out of over 3,000,000 results!  An optimized search got me the 1st position out of 70k+ results.

Why not do the same thing for this situation?  That's what I did today.  The cool thing though is that I put some time into it and got some nice, quality content out there.  Now we'll let it sit and see what happens.

Lord willing, I can not only get my 3rd position back on Google for my articles, but I can get this site listed #1!

Now we'll see.  It's moments like these when you realize that things are starting to come together.  Yes, it was $10 for my domain name, but it should be well worth it.

If you care to check it out, I would be grateful for any feedback you can give.  If you like bowling, this is right up your alley!!  (no pun intended....)

Take a look and let me know what you think!



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idm Premium
That's a nice little site you have there. You have everything you need right there it looks like. Kudos! The only thing I can think of for the moment is make a category for your news updates instead of leaving it "uncategorized." Oh one other thing, throw in some graphics so instantly people will automatically know this site is geared toward bowling. Looking good so far.
Slugger_mn Premium
wordpress? nice... haha