Rome Wasn't Build In a Day...

Last Update: October 27, 2009

and neither will my IM Business!

This is something that I think a lot of folks struggle with...including myself!  Today's society is focused so much "get it now", that we forget how to actually WORK at something.  It is for this reason that the"get rich quick" schemes are so popular.

I hate waiting for things.  I hate waiting for shipping, I hate having to go to the store, etc.  This is what makes my adventure in IM so difficult.  Because I'm an instant gratification person, I have a hard time being patient.  This is truly a challenge for me that I must overcome.

Because it is such a challenge, I like to write about it.  I want other people to read it.  When I write something, I can track my progress, get motivated, and maybe help others.

Remember that you aren't going to get rich in a week.  Hell, it's been over three weeks and I haven't even had a true sale yet!  Just remember that this is no different than any other business out there.  I'm sure you've read that a traditional business doesn't see a profit within the first 3-5 years.  If that is true, I can wait the 6 months for my IM business.  Considering the alternative, that is a good number!

Please don't expect to build Rome overnight.




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idm Premium
I get impatient but I made a commitment to this. I'm not a fisherman but I see it just like that, you need a good net and you need to cast it in the right place and wait. I've heard some say it could take a year for a site to become profitable with natural listings in Google. But it'll take even longer if you don't start now so you may as well. The good part about article marketing is you can use their PageRank as leverage and get listed at the top pretty fast.