So, What's Next?
Hell if I know! If you're asking me, you're talking to the wrong person!
The last couple of days have been sort of a blur. I saw my Bears falter again so I drank my sorrows away and am having a hard time staying focused. I did get another couple of articles out there today and used FeedPing for some of my lenses. So it wasn't a complete wasted days.
I'm getting to the point know where it seems that I am just spinning my wheels. Some of my hot Squid lenses aren't indexed again or have slipped down. Now in addition to making new lenses, I'm trying to get backlinks for the other ones! It's a never-ending battle.
I also think that all of my products I've been promoting stink. Since I've started, I have had 992 hops and only 30 order form impressions.
The good news however is that I've been able to get a few sales here and there. In the last month, I have made an entire $81.13! I shouldn't complain at all I guess, but more sure would be nice!
I did what I recommend to other people and jumped back into WA when feeling down. I created a resource today on poll modules on a Squid. lens. Go ahead and check it out - I would love some feedback!
I have no idea what I'm going to do tonight, but tomorrow is always another day!
Joke of the Day
"I always take life with a grain of salt, a slice of lemon, ...and a shot of tequila."